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  • Writer's pictureJoshua Shierling

Walking Across America - Daily Blog

This is Jason, Josh's brother. While he's out walking, his connection to the WiFi will be spotty at best. I'll provide a running commentary on his journey and highlights of his trip.

6/9/18 - Saturday - Columbia, South Carolina

Walking through the state capitol of South Carolina, Josh was able to do some sightseeing. His path took him right past the capitol building along with the University of South Carolina. He said the capitol was beautiful and the landscape was awesome. His walk went great this day for about 7 miles. He then came to a part of the road with no shoulder and no sidewalks; simply two lanes of traffic with curbing on each side.

Moving was tough as he had to move the buggy up and down the curb whenever he had a spare moment. Eventually he reached a part of the road with a middle lane and the walking got easier. He arrived at his destination, a church, late and it was already cleared out. He decided to camp out there to attend the service the next morning. Due to the hard clay, he couldn't setup his tent and simply slept on the sidewalk under an overhang.

6/10/18 - Sunday - Columbia, South Carolina

He woke up early, before 6, so as to pack up his stuff before anyone arrived. He then fell asleep on a bench waiting for the staff to start coming in. He was awakened by Daryl who allowed Josh to take a shower inside (thankfully) and asked Josh to help grinding the coffee beans. Josh joined the youth that morning and was asked to pray in front of the whole group. He had his picture taken by Jae who shared his story and was again blessed by donations from members at the church.

With a later start than usual, he continued his trip toward California. Walking down the road, some elderly gentlemen in a fancy car dropped by and handed him a $100! The hospitality of South Carolina has been awesome. He ended the day at another church about 10 miles down the road. Walking up to the church he encountered a group of women who did not appear comfortable with his appearance. (No blame there) He asked if he could meet the Pastor and they told him no and walked away. They did however call the Pastor who came out and spoke to Josh. He provided Josh permission to sleep there.

Josh was then blessed by a visit from a cousin! His cousin Jacob happened to be in South Carolina and drove over to meet him. Josh enjoyed a trip to Zaxby's and some much needed fellowship.

6/11/18 - Monday - Outside Columbia, South Carolina

Josh took off early this morning and walked a good 17 to 18 miles. He stated that his body is growing accustomed to the strain of his trip, he reported feeling good after the long day. He did have his first encounter with law enforcement today! Nothing to be alarmed about though, simply some concerned citizens who saw him walking in the middle of the road. The second cop did ask for an ID to ensure he wasn't on any lost lists.

For lunch he found a market and enjoyed some southern sweet tea. His favorite question to be asked: where is he going? His answer: California! Imagine the looks he's been getting. Not able to get permission to camp out at a church along the way, he instead is sleeping out back behind a fire station. No one was at the station this night, so he's just winging it. Hopefully there will be no rude awakenings!

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